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Cyber Defense Practicum

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Cyber Defense Practicum


This course provides practical application of the concepts learned over the course of the CSIA program. This is the technical capstone for the program and is a required course. The class is divided into three teams. Each team rotates through red (attack), blue (defend) and white (monitor/analyze) cells over the semester. Network attack analysis, intrusion detection systems and the use of network forensics in attaché analysis and defense are covered. Several open source and commercial tools during the class are used. Scenarios on a variation of the virtual network are ran. Blue teams harden the devices on the network to resist attack and are scored on how successful they are. Red teams develop a suite of attacks that allow completion of the scenario and are scored on the completeness of attack preparations. White teams analyze the red attacks and the blue responses and present analysis to the class at the close of the exercise. The scenario changes slightly for the iterations presented. 3 Lab hours. Prerequisites: IA 340, and IA 360 or DF 311. Offered: Spring

Course Typically Offered



Maximum Variable Credits




Number of Course Repeats When Repeatable


Max Credits Repeatable



College of Professional Schools